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ECBA COVID-19 Updates

ECBA COVID-19 Updates

Pandemic Preparedness: When Your Home is at Risk

Posted on September 28th, 2020 at 8:44 AM

The Erie County Bar Association is partnering with the Pennsylvania Bar Association Community and Public Relations Committee during its October 2020 public education campaign “Pandemic Preparedness: Is Your Home at Risk?” developed to increase the public’s understanding of their rights when renting or owning a home, with a special focus on the impact of an emergency or major disaster declaration.  The public education campaign will run throughout October.


While all of Pennsylvania is now in the green phase of reopening, many residents are still feeling negative financial impacts of COVID-19. What if they are behind on rent or mortgage payments and still can’t make payments? Are there any protections in place? What are their rights? What rights do landlords have? And what should lawyers know and what can they do to help?

An integral part of the campaign is free consumer brochures with information about borrowers’ and renters’ rights, and may include information landlords should know. A print advertisement will be placed in the Erie Times-News as well.  In addition, 30-second television and radio spots will be broadcast in all Pennsylvania markets during the Oct. 1 through Oct. 16 campaign. The Erie County Bar Association will have attorneys available for public presentations as well.   

If interested in the following publications, please contact the ECBA at

  • Mortage Foreclosure Prevention Tips
  • Eviction from Residntial Property for Nonpayment of Rent
  • Renting a House or Apartment
  • Buying a House