U.S. District Court Administrative Order
Posted on June 29th, 2021 at 1:18 PM
Please see the attached Administrative Order from the Western District of PA that changes certain requirements pertaining to wearing a mask in the Federal Courthouse. Although I would encourage you to read the attached in its entirety, please note the following points:
- Anyone who wishes to wear a mask may do so anywhere and at any time
- Pursuant to the current CDC guidance, those staff and visitors that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 need not wear a mask in public spaces or at their workstations/offices
- Participants in Courtroom proceedings will generally continue to wear masks in Courtroom/jury areas, no matter their vaccinated status, with certain exceptions as approved by the presiding Judge
- Jurors and those involved in jury processing will continue to wear masks during jury assembly, grand jury, and jury trials, as will trial participants