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2014 Annual Law Day Luncheon

Posted on March 18th, 2014 at 2:14 PM
2014 Annual Law Day Luncheon

The ECBA is proud to host our Annual Law Day Luncheon, Noon on Friday, April 25 at the Erie Bayfront Convention Center with keynote speaker Matthew Dowd.

Currently an analyst with Bloomberg, ABC News, and ABC's This Week and a columnist for National Journal, Matthew Dowd will present Reflections on an Evolving Nation: Fundamental Shifts in America's Politics, Economics, Laws, Concepts of Privacy and Their Effect Upon Our Lives, focusing on the profound change that has and is occurring in America these days. He will discuss how institutions and the lives of average Americans are being continually and profoundly disrupted in an historic way. As Americans search for a life of greater meaning and try to understand in what direction we are heading, it is necessary to identify the values that defined our nation and will guide us into our future.

The Liberty Bell Award, Chancellor of the Bar, and Pro Bono recipients will be recognized immediately after lunch, followed by the keynote speaker.

Tickets are $25.00 or $200 for a table of eight. An important element of our Law Day event is a special educational program giving local high school and college students the opportunity of a special presentation from Mr. Dowd prior to the luncheon.

Reserve early as seating will be assigned as reservations are received. Tickets will be mailed in advance of the luncheon. 

You can register online through the ECBA website event registration. If you are interested in reserving a table, or sponsoring the attendance of a student, please contact Paula Gregory at the ECBA office at 814-459-3111 or email

Registrations MUST be received by Friday, April 11, 2014.


What is Law Day?

A day set aside nationally to:

  • enhance and expand our education on law-related topics through programs like this one;
  • reflect on our rights and responsibilities as citizens;
  • examine and celebrate the role of laws in our country;
  • remember our country’s legal heritage;
  • reaffirm our dedication to the ideals of equality and justice under law.