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Erie County Bar Association Celebrates Annual Law Day

Posted on May 2nd, 2014 at 2:50 PM
Erie County Bar Association Celebrates Annual Law Day

The Erie County Bar Association celebrated our Annual Law Day luncheon with keynote speaker, nationally known  Analyst Matthew Dowd on April 25th at the Bayfront Convention Center. Mr. Dowd  presented Reflections on an Evolving Nation: Fundamental Shifts in America's Politics, Economics, Laws, Concepts of Privacy and Their Effect upon Our Lives, focusing on the profound change that has and is occurring in America today.   Students from nine local high schools and four area colleges enjoyed a  special opportunity of a “Students and Teachers Program” with Mr. Dowd prior to the luncheon. 

Congratulations to Ed Mead, recognized with the 2014 Liberty Bell Award; John B. Enders with the Pro-Bono Award, and to James F. Toohey who received the 2014 Chancellor of the Bar Award.

In celebrating the Constitution and our country’s legal heritage, Law Day was first observed under President Dwight Eisenhower in 1958 and was established to remember and reflect on our rights and responsibilities as citizens. Law Day events such as this are designed to enhance and expand education on law-related topics.