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Erie County Judge Stephanie Domitrovich

Posted on September 10th, 2014 at 3:10 AM

Recently, numerous members of the Erie County Bar Association have been approached by current and former clients and others asking if the current judicial conduct proceedings concerning Judge Stephanie Domitrovich would have any effect on her previous and current rulings. Please note that all of the Judge's prior and current rulings are fully effective and are entitled to the same authority as any other Judge's rulings.

On July 7th, the Pennsylvania State Judicial Conduct Board filed formal charges against Erie County Judge Stephanie Domitrovich that included six counts of judicial misconduct alleging she violated the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct. This matter was investigated by that Board as a result of a request for investigation by President Judge Ernest DiSantis of the Court of Common Pleas of the Sixth Judicial District of Erie County.

 Erie County Bar Association President Edwin W. Smith emphasizes that Judge Domitrovich is presumed innocent and entitled to due process on these accusations and patience should be observed while the process is allowed to run its proper course.

 Judge Domitrovich has the opportunity to respond to the charges, obtain and inspect the evidence and the right to a public trial before the Court of Judicial Discipline.  Should she pursue a trial and if the court determines that the charges have been proven, a Sanctions Hearing will determine what should be imposed, such as reprimand, suspension or removal from office. The Court of Judicial Discipline may also determine that no violations of the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct have occurred.


Originally posted: July 9, 2014
Reposted (with additions): September 10, 2014