Important Court and PBA/PBI Updates
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 3:26 PM
FROM THE UNIFIED JUDICIAL SYSTEM: Numerous court orders are being issued in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System (UJS) has created a webpage with county-by-county listings and links to all the courts orders. UJS is communicating regularly with the Governor’s Office and the state Department of Health for guidance on measures to continue protecting the health and safety of court users and court employees.
The Superior Court of Pennsylvania asked that we circulate this order to PBA members and to local bar associations.
You also can contact your local county court for more information or visit its website.
PBA AND PBI UPDATES: In the wake of Gov. Wolf’s order shutting down nonessential business for a period of two weeks, the PBA is deeply scaling back the number of employees onsite. However, almost all employees will be working remotely and members can continue to access a broad range of services through the websites of the PBA ( and PBI (
An important note, while PBI’s in-person continuing legal education sessions are postponed, PBI’s on-demand CLE programs are available and readily accessible. PBI CLE Discount: Save 35% on all on-demand PBI CLE programs and webinars, now through the end of August with code ONLINE35.
A free, one substantive CLE credit webinar, “Transitioning to a Remote Workforce: Addressing Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Concerns in the Legal World,” will be presented from 12 to 1 p.m. on March 24. Jordan L. Fischer and Joshua A. Mooney of the PBA Cybersecruity and Data Privacy Committee will lead the webinar. Learn more and register now. (Limited to 1,500 registrants.)