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Judicial Portraits Highlight the Erie County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting

Posted on December 14th, 2015 at 2:15 PM
Judicial Portraits Highlight the Erie County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting

To say that the Erie County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting, on December 3, was well-attended would be a bit of an understatement!  Attorneys and judges filled the ballroom at the Lakeside Country Club in Fairview for business matters, as well as more nostalgic moments of laughter and remembrance from the past year.  After a closely-watched judicial election last month, ECBA members were now able to focus instead on honoring the three Court of Common Pleas judges leaving public service, and the unveiling of their portraits.  The portraits were commissioned by the ECBA, and will be hung in the County Courthouse in January.

Pictured, from left to right, are Judges Michael Dunlavey, who retired in 2012, Ernest DiSantis, who retired in January, and Judge Shad Connelly, who is retiring at the end of 2015.  Attorneys honored at the event included Adam Barnett, who received a PBA Pro Bono Award, Eric Purchase, recipient of the ECBA President’s Award, and Frank L. Kroto, James D. McDonald, Jr., and Norman H. Stark, who all were recognized for 50 years as attorneys.  The evening ended with comments from outgoing ECBA President Rich Lanzillo, followed by a brief presentation from President Elect, Melissa Shirey.

Additional Photos

Portraits commissioned by the Erie County Bar Association of three local Judges were unveiled at the Association’s Annual Membership Meeting held on December 3rd.   (l-r)  Judges Michael Dunlavey, Ernest DiSantis and Shad Connelly were honored.  Judges Dunlavey and DiSantis have retired;  Judge Connelly retires at the end of 2015.   Their portraits will be hung in their courtrooms at the Erie County Court House.
At its Annual Membership Meeting on December 3rd, the Erie County Bar Association recognized 3 of its members for their 50 years of practice.   ECBA President Rich Lanzillo shakes hands with each of the 50 year members  (l-r)  Frank L. Kroto, James D. McDonald, Jr. and Norman H. Stark.
Attorney Nicole Antos (l), Director of County Bar Services for the Pennsylvania Bar Association in Harrisburg, attended the Erie County Bar Association’s Annual Membership Meeting on December 3rd and presented PBA’s Erie County Pro Bono Award to Attorney Adam Barnett (r )
Kelly Buck (r ), representing Business Partner ERIEBANK, has ECBA President Rich Lanzillo draw the winner’s name for a gift basket raffled off at the Annual Membership Meeting.
ECBA President Rich Lanzillo (l) and Attorney Erin Connelly (center) unveil the portrait of Judge Shad Connelly (r  ) who will retire from the Erie County Court of Common Pleas at the end of 2015.   The portrait, commissioned by the ECBA, will hang in Judge Connelly’s courtroom at the Erie County Court House.
 Incoming ECBA President Melissa Shirey presents the traditional President’s Silver Plate to Richard Lanzillo, whose term as President concludes a the end of this year.