The verdict is in, and the defendants, Northwestern High School Mock Trial Team, is off to the PBA Statewide Mock Trial Championships, March 27 and 28 in Harrisburg.
The verdict is in, and the defendants, Northwestern High School Mock Trial Team, is off to the PBA Statewide Mock Trial Championships, March 27 and 28 in Harrisburg.
The Erie County Bar Association (ECBA) announces the start of district competitions for the Statewide High School Mock Trial Championships on: Tuesday, January 28; Wednesday, January 29; and Thursday, January 30 at the Erie County Courthouse. Trials will take place at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. all three days.
Attorney George Joseph of Quinn Law Firm took over duties as President of the Erie County Bar Association, effective January 1, 2020. Joseph, a graduate of Norwin High School, Dickinson College, and the Dickinson School of Law, is heading into his role with several key objectives.
Rental space available for 3-4 attorneys at 150 West Fifth St. - across from Court House - includes parking.
The ECBA's In-House Counsel Division Leadership spent a few hours at the Second Harvest Food Bank on Saturday, November 2, helping with their BackPack Program.
On November 5, 2019, an election will be held for two open seats on the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County.
The retention of three sitting Judges for an additional 10-year term each on the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County will also be on the ballot.
In the November 5, 2019 general election, voters will be asked whether three judges currently serving on the Erie County Court of Common Pleas should be retained for another ten year term. In August 2019, the Erie County Bar Association (ECBA) polled its 434 Active members to get their views as to whether these judges should be retained.
The Erie County Bar Association (ECBA) and the Erie County Law Foundation are proud to again offer a Wills for Heroes event, this year on Saturday, October 12, 2019, for first responders and military veterans in Erie County.
Several ECBA Members were recognized during the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network's Board Meeting, which was held recently in Erie.
On November 5, 2019, a general election will be held regarding the retention of the following three sitting Judges for an additional 10-year term each on the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County.