Erie Gives Day is this coming Tuesday, August 12, 2014!
2014 ECBA Annual Charity Golf Tournament Winners
The location has changed for the ECBA Lunch and Learn Seminar: Transportation Solutions being held on May 30th. The seminar will now be held at the ECBA Offices.
Looking for historical information on defunct banks and financial institutions?
Erie County Bar Association Celebrates Annual Law Day with keynote Speaker Matthew Dowd.
Fisrt Year Law School Scholarship Application Deadline May 31, 2014
The Erie County Bar Offers Employment Resume Bank
The ECBA in partnership with Gannon University and with the support of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, is proud to announce the first ever Wills for Heroes event in Northwestern PA
Local High School and College students, along with their teachers are invited to attend - Time with Matthew Dowd - a free program presented in cooperation with our Annual Law Day celebration
The Erie County Bar Association celebrates Law Day with our Annual Law Day Luncheon