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Statement on Judicial Independence from ECBA President Craig Murphey

Posted on February 16th, 2017 at 5:34 PM

As President of the Erie County Bar Association (ECBA), I am proud to represent a professional association of lawyers who recognize that an independent judiciary is essential to the American system of checks-and-balances, and attempts by other branches of the government to exert influence over judicial decisions must be discouraged.

As has been widely reported, President Trump recently referred to U.S. District Judge James L. Robart as a "so-called judge." Judge Robart, like all other sitting federal judges, was nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate. Once confirmed, federal judges are granted life tenure so that their decisions are not subject to influence by the President who nominated them, future Presidents, the Senate that confirmed them, future legislators or the public ballot. Similarly, Pennsylvania's trial and appellate court judges, including our own judges of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas, have been duly elected or appointed and their independence must be respected.

While reasonable people can certainly disagree with a judge's rulings, questioning the legitimacy of a duly elected or appointed judge is inappropriate, to say the least, and serves to undermine the essential independence of our judiciary. In the words of American Bar Association President Linda Klein: "Make no mistake, personal attacks on judges are attacks on our Constitution. Let us be clear, the independence of the judiciary is not up for negotiation."

Craig Murphey__________

Craig Murphey, President
Erie County Bar Association (PA)