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Tax Scams

Posted on January 31st, 2012 at 9:43 AM
Tax Scams

Tax Season brings with it a rash of email and Internet scams and hoaxes designed to steal sensitive personal information. To stay safe now (and during the rest of the year) keep a few things in mind:

  • The Internal Revenue Service NEVER sends notification notices by email, nor do most state or local tax agencies. You may from time to time receive a verification email acknowledging receipt of some information; NEVER reply to one of these emails or click on any link contained in the email. 
  • The IRS and other tax agencies DO NOT send notification notices alerting you to your refund or any stimulus offers. They also NEVER notify you of an impending audit or any problem with your tax return via email. Especially be on the alert for email notifications regarding a corrected or mis-filed W2 or 1099 form.
  • No government agency will ever ask for personal information via an email; likewise, you should never provide sensitive personal information by email. NEVER include your social security number or other important personal data in an unencrypted email.
  • Be wary of any email containing links to download tax-related or financial forms. Never open an email attachment purported to be a tax or financial form unless you absolutely trust (and can verify) the person sending you the email. If you need a tax form go directly to the IRS website at or to your state or local government website. You'll see links right on the respective home pages for downloading important forms.
  • Be suspicious of an unsolicited email from ANYONE asking you to fill out any kind of financial or tax-related application online. Even if it's a company or institution you know, do not click on the link contained within the email. Instead, open another browser window and go directly to the company's website.
  • It's important to watch out for email and Internet scams throughout the entire year. But, especially during the annual tax season, be on the alert for attempts to steal your important personal information.

Erie County Bar Association

Tips provided by Richard D. Vasil, Vasil Consulting, Inc.
© 2012 Vasil Consulting, Inc.

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