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Too Late to Install Virus Software

Posted on October 2nd, 2012 at 1:24 PM

Anyone who has ever had a computer infected with a virus or spyware knows first hand how expensive the experience can be. In the worst cases, it is less expensive to simply replace the computer or reformat it (wipe out and reinstall everything from scratch) than to repair the damage caused by malware. Even routine infections can cost hundreds of dollars in computer technician fees to cleanup the mess caused by a single wayward download or mouse click.

Yet, preventive computer virus protection is very inexpensive. Good, basic virus protection is free (AVG, Avast, Microsoft Security Essentials, for example), while flagship products from top security companies (Symantec, McAfee, Kaspersky, Trend Micro, etc.) can be purchased for $25 or less per year.

Unfortunately, many computer users wait until they actually have a problem before they face the issue that they either have no security protection or that the software is outdated. At that point, it is often too late - the malware is rooted deeply enough that it cannot be easily removed, and often prevents the user from successfully installing any software that might aid in removing the infection.


Virus and security software is geared towards prevention, not remediation. Email attachments are scanned before they are opened, programs scanned prior to execution, and web links and search results investigated before allowing the user to click on them. Once a computer is infected with malware, even the top security software products do a poor job of removing the offending code. Removal of malicious software requires a different set of utility software and often the assistance of a computer professional. At this point, even if the infections can be removed, it's not a sure bet that the computer can be completely restored to its previous state.

So, what are the lessons here? First, virus software is cheap, even free, and does a reasonably good job of preventing malware from getting into your computer. Anyone who uses email or the Internet without having at least basic security software installed is simply asking for problems. Second, if you already have a virus or spyware problem, it's usually too late to install virus protection software. At that point, you need specialized malware removal software, and typically, the help of a computer pro. 

Erie County Bar Association
Tips provided by Richard D. Vasil, Vasil Consulting, Inc.
© 2012 Vasil Consulting, Inc.