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Display Advertising - Erie County Legal Journal

The Erie County Legal Journal is the county's official legal periodical containing legal notices such as estates, sheriff sales, judicial opinions, etc. It's published weekly (Friday) and delivered via pdf to over 500 attorneys and legal professionals, posted on the Erie County Bar Association website, along with hard copies being distributed to law libraries and other organizations. The Erie County Legal Journal is a vertical, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2" publication and can accommodate full-color advertising.  Our competitive advertising options are a great way to regularly connect with members of the legal community!

Important Information:

Advertisements must be received at the Erie County Bar Association office by 3:00 p.m. the Friday preceding the date of publication.

All advertisements are full color, must be in either a jpeg or pdf format and emailed to

The Erie County Bar Association will not assume any responsibility to edit, complete spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes in content.

Advertisements in the Erie County Legal Journal do not constitute endorsements by the Erie County Bar Association.

The ECBA has the right of first refusal on what advertisements are appropriate for publication.

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